Best Tip Ever: Building Psychological Toughness

Side view portrait of a woman relaxing breathing fresh air on the beach.

Using mental training strategies to build psychological toughness is critical to strengthening physical fitness and maintaining individual readiness. Consider using the following strategies, or create one of your own, to help build and maintain psychological toughness.


Poor and fast breathing often occurs when you are feeling stressed, tired or challenged. Slowing down your breathing, and breathing deeply from the belly, can help you regroup, focus and get energy. Take a minute to slowly breathe from your abdomen.

Staying Calm

Use mental imagery to create a positive and peaceful place for you to go in your mind. Imagine being in the woods, at the beach, or any other location that is peaceful and relaxing for you. Take in the sights, smells and sounds. Absorb all the positives from your tranquil place. Enjoy it. Return calmer and refreshed.


Yes, humour can get you through many a difficult moment. Laughing can help with distraction and can help your mind-set through the tough times.

Going with It

Embrace the pain! Use it to get through rough and challenging times. Go through it without complaining, questioning or giving up.

Feeding the Positive, Not the Negative

It is easy to fall into and get trapped in a negative perspective. To identify your mind-set, stop and ask yourself the question: Am I feeding the fear animal or supporting the courage animal? The answer is to nourish the courage animal. This may help move negative thinking into positive thinking and build a can-do approach.

Having Grit

Find the commitment, perseverance and determination to achieve your goals, on a daily and weekly basis.

U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (n.d.). Building psychological toughness. Retrieved 10 December 2018 from

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